402 35th Ave N, Fargo, ND
Edgewood Mobile Home Park is a relatively well maintained trailer community located in Fargo, ND. Edgwood is located directly adjacent to the Red River and the fargo wastewater treatment plant, this presents some obvious challenges, but also some interesting opportunities. Also nearby is Edgwood Golfcourse, multiple elderly communities and BRENDA'S SHACK! for breakfast and lunch (delicious).
A portion of Fargo's waste stream could be diverted to a Living Machine System.
Partially treated water could be pumped through a wetland system within the community. geothermal wells can be placed benieth wetland waste water treatment system to increase heating and cooling efficiency.
Sludge from water treatment plant could be used for biogas production. food waste from nearby cafe could be used for biogas production.
The red could possibly be used for hydroelectric prodution
The riparian corridor could be repaired to create a more healthy ecosystem and also nature hiking bird watching and outdoor classroom opportunities.
OK- site is not where marked then? Or is this its center and it extends to the river? The wetland restoration works well with your proposal but the LM has to be outside the 500 yr floodplain, which may pose a problem. Do you think you can find an architecture student interested in modular/ prefab housing to compliment this?